Guiding you on your learning journey.

Sydney’s leading institute for small class tuition.

OC Test Preparation | Selective Test Preparation | High School

  • Need more Selective Test support?

    Join our Selective Test Discussion Group for free weekly worksheets, materials and other exclusive content!

  • Need extra OC Test support?

    Join our Opportunity Class [OC] Test Discussion Group for free weekly worksheets and materials!

Our Courses.

  • OC Test Preparation

    Courses designed to help students taking the Opportunity Class Placement Test develop strong foundations and test taking skills.

  • Selective Test Preparation

    Specially curated courses to help students taking the Selective High School Placement Test build knowledge and refine exam techniques.

  • High School

    Courses made to help high school students stay ahead of their peers and develop good study habits throughout their schooling.

Why Choose Us?

Alpha One’s enrolment numbers have tripled consistently each year, with over 4100 enrolments per term - and there are a few strong reasons why parents keep choosing us!

Each student’s learning experience is our number one priority which is why we teach in small class groups where no child is left behind. Combined with our high teaching standards and comprehensive resources, we ensure each student receives the best possible education while also developing great study habits in a supportive learning environment.

  • Over 83.8% of our students received a place in a Selective School in 2023.

  • Over 85% of students who came for a free trial loved us and enrolled in a course!

  • We have taught over 5000 students over the past 9 years.

What other people are saying.

Are you ready to take the next step in your learning journey?